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by Roger W. Vaisey

Looking back on your life, what were your most enjoyable learning experiences? Take a moment to do this. As you remember one, think about what you remember seeing. Think about what you remember hearing. Think about what you remember feeling. Where were you?

It is highly likely that you were not in a school classroom listening to a teacher. You were probably playing with friends, or inventing a game with very special rules, or somewhere like a favorite place in nature, playing near water, a stream, a lake, or maybe building a castle in the sand by the sea. Or maybe you were riding your bicycle, or absorbed in a fascinating book in your bedroom at home. In other words the best learning experiences were for many people were where we learnt something completely new, or learnt a new ability, or creative capacity and they probably occurred in our every day life and experience far away from our formal schooling. Of course for many of us there were some good and useful learning experiences at school but probably not so many.
If you have any questions or comments about these articles, you can always email Roger at ObscureMyEmail

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